Unlucky Ploy
Unlucky Ploy 16 episodes When you're unlucky, stuff happens. Like things falling on your head. Judging by its title, yo u might think this series from Thailand is about a cunning plan, but you’d be wrong. Ploy is a common enough name in Thailand—think 淑芬 in Taiwan or Mia in the US—one that happens to be the name of our unlucky protagonist. But that’s not all when it comes to Ploys. Because there’s also a Pretty Ploy here: perfect, good natured, successful—you know, the kind of girl we all hate. Both Ploys went to the same high school, grew up in the same village and now both are working together for the same company…with Pretty Ploy the supervisor of Unlucky Ploy. Pretty Ploy is not unlike Kai-er in the Taiwanese series Office Girls . Green Ausadaporn plays Unlucky Ploy—now, if you saw her walking down the street, you’d probably think tall model, pretty—she won the genetic lottery. It’s only when we see her interact with others a...